This two year journey is a chance to say yes to the Life's call - to live into the joy and authenticity that is our birthright. Drawing on ancient spiritual traditions and the work of Robert Gonzales, Philip Shepherd, and Marshall Rosenberg, we will form a community of learners, supporting each other in saying Yes to Life.
Central to this journey will be four retreats, each taking place from Thursday through Sunday at the Pendle Hill Retreat Center.
The heart of this two year journey will be four four-day retreats at Pendle Hill. Twelve nights lodging, three nights each retreat, and all meals are included in the cost. In addition to these retreats several opportunities to learn, grow, and integrate our learning have been created. These include:
Journaling in response to one question given before and after each retreat;
Regular empathy calls with the members of your community over an eighteen month period;
Three conference calls with the entire community and both facilitators; and,
One individual phone or skype session with one of the facilitators.
In addition, participants will be asked to identify and meet with a local practice group weekly or biweekly for the length of the program. The Yes to Life community and facilitators will support each other in finding practice groups if needed.
In order to support an ongoing sense of cohesion and connection this retreat will be limited to the first 21 registrants.
Key themes are:
1. The Core Principles of Living Compassion
2. The Embodiment of Empathy
3. Dwelling in Living Energy of Needs
4. Cultivating an Integrated Awareness of our Inner Life
5. Recognizing Self-Judgement and Judgment of Others
6. Listening to our Soul, Experiencing our Essence
7. Vulnerability, Wounding, Protective Structures
8. Recognizing the Residue of Trauma in Ourselves or Others and Offering Support to Re-regulate the Nervous System
9. Grounded Experience in the Body
10. Self-Care, Fun and Play
11. Experiencing Wholeness