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Ahimsa: Dissolving Enemy Images through Nonviolent Communication

In this polarized world it is very helpful to know how to listen to others with differing viewpoints. Not just listen but become nonviolence itself, compassion itself. It is also important to know how to speak what is true for yourself in a way that may be well received by others. There are practices that we can incorporate into our daily lives that increase the likelihood that we will see each other as brothers and sisters, not as enemies. This does not mean we have to agree--it does means we can be in conversation. In this 6-week series we will cover practical and powerful exercises drawn from both Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and yoga to delve deeper into our ability to feel compassion toward all beings—especially ones with whom we have conflict or disagreements. This class is for you if you ever have negative judgments about anyone—family members, friends or co-workers, politicians, even yourself. These practices may be especially helpful in this divisive political climate. No NVC or yoga experience necessary to join this class.


Marcia Miller and Janine Harris Degitz


Monday January 23rd through February 27th from 5:45p to 7:15p





Yoga on High Teacher Training Institute